Therapy & Counselling Sessions


Individual Therapy

Individual therapy with Dr Akashni involves an exploration of the needs of the client, assessing where the client is at as well as where the client would like to be. Dr Akashni works with individuals with everyday concerns as well as those who have serious psychological challenges in the form of depression, anxiety, stress and bipolar disorder to name a few.


Couples / Marital Therapy

The purpose of couples / marital therapy is to provide a neutral/non-judgmental, safe and open space for both partners to come together to explore the challenges in their relationship. Dr Akashni employs a holistic approach through using her knowledge of various cultural backgrounds she is able to find common ground with the clients and use that as a positive tool to drive success in therapy. Key areas that Dr Akashni focuses on are: infidelity, loss of identity within the relationship, divorce, child-rearing practices, infertility, domestic violence, trauma and self-empowerment.


Hypnosis (as part of therapy)

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness in which sensory input is processed in a different way for that individual at that time. It is usually accompanied by relaxation and a state of focused attention. Hypnotherapy is used by Dr Akashni to access emotional states which are otherwise not available in the conscious mind. Hypnotherapy is solely used as part of therapy (not in isolation).

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